A Full-Service Law Firm that Truly Cares

Child Custody Attorney Atlanta

A Dedicated Child Custody Attorney Can Help Protect Your Children’s Best Interests

Protecting Your Best Interests Since 2012

When deciding matters of child custody in the Atlanta, GA area, the courts follow a policy toward encouraging both parents to share in decisions about their children and to each have a meaningful, continuous relationship with their kids. That said, every family situation is unique, and the court has the power to award physical and legal custody of the children solely to one parent or jointly to both as deemed by the judge to be in the best interests of the children. Having a knowledgeable, dedicated child custody and child support attorney on your side is key to a favorable result that meets the needs of both parent and child. As a dedicated child custody and child support lawyer, Precious Felder can provide the level of attention and experience you need in your custody matter, from amicable divorces to high-conflict child custody battles in the Atlanta family courts.

How a Knowledgeable Child Custody Lawyer Can Help You

Georgia law on child custody does not make any presumption in favor or the mother or the father or for granting any particular form of custody to either parent. When deciding custody matters, the court will consider both physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody refers to the actual physical possession of the child, i.e. how much time the child spends with each parent. Legal custody, on the other hand, refers to the right and responsibility to make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing in areas such as healthcare, education, religion, extracurricular and social activities.

Regarding physical and legal custody, the court can order custody to be held solely by one parent alone or shared jointly by both parents in any combination. For instance, one parent may be given primary custody of the children, with the other parent being scheduled for visitation or parenting on certain weeknights or weekends. Likewise, the judge could order that the primary custodial parent has the authority to make day-to-day decisions about the child but should consult the other parent on major decisions, although the primary parent may still have the final say.


The Court uses the “best interest of the child” standard to determine child custody. At The Law Offices of Precious Felder, we work diligently to assist clients pursuing parenting time in custody matters. Contact us to hire a knowledgeable attorney today.

Reach a Favorable Child Support Agreement More Quickly with a Trusted Child Support Lawyer

Even though child support is intended to provide much needed financial support for the child(ren) of a divorced couple, establishing the level of support can prove contentious. As a law practice with a focus on family law, The Law Offices of Precious Felder, LLC helps establish fair child support guidelines based on each client’s unique needs and abilities, as well as the needs of the child. Schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you.

A Full-Service Law Firm that Truly Cares

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